Friday, July 10, 2009

So what's a couple of years

I had forgotten completely about this blog until it popped up in connection with something else. So what's happened since 2007? Not much. Life contiunues to be good. We have not been doing any travelling because flying is such a major pain. However we are going to Australia and New Zealand in November (we leave on Haloween.) And we'll be going to Oxford to visit Don and Stan and the grandbrats.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Well evertybiody else has a blog...

Been meaning to do this for a while.
We retired from Toronto to Bracebridge almost 10 years ago and have never regretted it.
Marnie does some pretty elaborate sewing and embroidery. I am always into house projects (a neverending job) and photography. And we argue a lot.
Right now Marnie is convalescing from surgery.
I love opera and hate Stephen Harper. I don't think we have any business in Afghanistan and I harbour an intense dislike for the cultural wilderness to our south (with the exception pof the Metropolitan Opera, of course.)
I created this blog on a sudden whim...
Let's see where it goes...